Everyone should have a cow!

Story #5:

Richard Stöckli's passion for cheese from the Nessleren Alp began as a child. Today, the celebrity chef grazes his own two cows there.

Richard Stöckli ate the spicy cheese from the Nessleren Alp from his childhood on and learned to appreciate it. In the summer, he spent hours with his farmer friends helping them with the hay.

And what was the best part? Of course, the Zvieri - consisting of cheese, fresh Zopf and cool spring water. Therefore, it is only understandable that the desire to keep our own cow on the Nessleren has developed. Cows "Rosa and Marianne" provide the milk for our Nessleren alp cheese every day.

And it's clear that this very cheese is served daily at Alpenblick. It tastes best with a drop of Baerg Marti Balsamico, a very special specialty. What other vinegar is stored for around three years in a cave on the Jungfraujoch, over 3,000 meters above sea level? The clear, dry mountain air and the low but constant temperatures allow the vinegar to mature harmoniously and gently in small oak casks. Fortunately, you don't have to go up to the Bernese Alps to experience this pleasure - a trip to Wilderswil to the Alpenblick is enough.